No. 4051

Limit: 450 EUR


circus monkey, on a wooden box, 11 x 6 x 25 cm, bisque porcelain head, pull voice, wood/wire body, 29 cm
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 535.68 EUR

No. 4052

Limit: 280 EUR


clown on a chair, 25 cm, voice with bellows, France, bisque head, wood/wire body, original silk dress, is caused of old age in worn condition, nice original condition
Result: 280.00 EUR

No. 4053

Limit: 1,200 EUR


pull game, France, boy riding on a skin dog, bisque porcelain head, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, wood/wire body, 26 x 14 x 31 cm, very nice original condition, c. 1890
Result: 1200.00 EUR

No. 4054

Limit: 280 EUR


jumping pelt poodle, 24 cm, France, c. 1890, clock mechanism is intact, nice original condition
Result: 390.00 EUR

No. 4055

Limit: 180 EUR


head nodder, papier mâché, goat, fabulous beast, 16.5 cm, c. 1880,  the  flaked off mass parts  at the arm are caused of old age, original condition
Result: 180.00 EUR

No. 4056

Limit: 1,200 EUR


fashion doll, France, c. 1860, 45 cm, bisque breast plate head, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, old mohair wig, old cork cover, original leather body, original clothes, underwear, shoes and socks
Result: 1250.00 EUR

No. 4057

Limit: 900 EUR


fashion doll, France, 44 cm, c. 1890, bisque breast plate head, brown fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, old cork cover and mohair wig, leather body, original clothes, underwear, shoes and socks
Result: 950.00 EUR

No. 4058

Limit: 1,200 EUR


fashion doll, France, 44 cm, bisque breast plate head, the jointed  wood body is covered with leather, with porcelain forearms, 3 fingers are missing, original dress, silk is caused of old age in worn condition, dress with some patches with flaws, very nice underwear, boots, suitable hood
Result: 2600.00 EUR

No. 4059

Limit: 90 EUR


sewing box, France, children's thimble, filigree produced, with owl motif, silver, thread rolls, pins, fashion doll decoration, or for a large fashion shop, 10 x 7.5 cm
Result: 120.00 EUR

No. 4060

Limit: 360 EUR


violinist, probably France, 30 cm, music mechanism with pressure mechanism, bisque head, fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, wood/wire body, good condition
Result: 360.00 EUR

No. 4061

Limit: 180 EUR


bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, 40 cm, blond fine modelled hair, blue painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, one cheek with minimally wear down color , dimple, leather body, porcelain forearms, original clothes and underwear, the worn condition is caused of old age, umbrella is a handicraft
Result: 200.00 EUR

No. 4062

Limit: 1,200 EUR


fashion doll, France, 53 cm, bisque shoulder headed doll, fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, mohair wig, leather body, original clothes, underwear and-boots, with umbrella, the silk of the dress is caused of old age in worn condition
Result: 1900.00 EUR

No. 4063

Limit: 450 EUR


"Puppenmütterchen`s Nähschule", Agnes Lucas, small doll with bisque porcelain head, marked DEP, 26 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, dimple at chin, jointed body, guidance book with pattern, with sewing utensils
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 535.68 EUR

No. 4064

Limit: 450 EUR


"Die fleißige Puppen-Schneiderin", by Julie Lutz, around 1900, doll with bisque porcelain head, Gebr. Kühnlenz, 28 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, mohair wig, jointed body, old clothes and shoes, guidance book with pattern and equipment, nice multicolored lithographed original box
Result: 500.00 EUR

No. 4065

Limit: 450 EUR


running doll, type Josefine, bisque shoulder headed doll, fine modelled hair with hairnet, papier mâché body, leather arms, brass feet, original silk dress, clock mechanism is intact, silk is caused of old age at some places broken
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 535.68 EUR

No. 4066

Limit: 650 EUR


E 3 Deposé, France, fashion doll, 42 cm, bisque shoulder headed doll, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, leather body, c. 1860, original clothes and underwear, the mohair wig wasn't removed, from outside are no flaws visible
Result: 750.00 EUR

No. 4067

Limit: 180 EUR


model-furniture, bureau, 22 x 14 x 26 cm, nice decoration for a fashion doll, 2 drawers
Result: 220.00 EUR

No. 4068

Limit: 180 EUR


marked 233, bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, modelled hood, blue painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, fabric body, mass arms and legs, 26 cm, old clothes
Result: 500.00 EUR

No. 4069

Limit: 360 EUR


fashion doll, France, 30 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, on a bisque breast plate, old cork cover, old mohair wig, slightly hair loss, old clothes and underwear, shoes and socks, hat and ermine collar
Result: 850.00 EUR

No. 4070

Limit: 160 EUR


nun, papier mâché shoulder headed doll, leather body, with slim legs, arms were probably supplemented, old clothes and shoes, nose is a bit worn
Result: 160.00 EUR

No. 4071

Limit: 120 EUR


shoulder headed doll, boy, 27 cm, bisque shoulder headed doll, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fine modeled hair, fabric body, bisque arms and legs, up-painted boots, original clothes
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 142.85 EUR

No. 4072

Limit: 160 EUR


No. 1039, DEP, doll with traditional costume, bisque socket head, on a bisque breast plate, old real hair wig, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, leather body, bisque forearms, 1 finger is knocked, original clothes, underwear and shoes, 1 sole of the shoe is missing, with hat
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 190.46 EUR

No. 4073

Limit: 280 EUR


bisque shoulder headed doll with traditional costume, c. 1890, 56 cm, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, head is bent to the side, leather body, bisque forearms, original traditional costume, underwear, shoes and socks, old mohair wig
Result: 450.00 EUR

No. 4074

Limit: 280 EUR


doll with bisque head with flange neck, man, 49 cm, blue painted eyes, padded modelled brows, modelled beard, closed mouth, fabric body, mass arms and legs, press voice, original clothes, silk is caused of old age worn, hat is partially torn, original condition
Result: 280.00 EUR

No. 4075

Limit: 650 EUR


fashion doll, France, 43 cm, bisque socket head,blue ix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, on a bisque breast plate, leather body, old mohair wig, old clothes
Result: 800.00 EUR

No. 4076

Limit: 180 EUR


3000, bisque porcelain-shoulder headed dolls, c. 1895, 60 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, old real hair wig, leather body, jointed wood/mass arms, hands 1x painted over, original traditional costume, underwear, shoes and socks, with hood
Result: 240.00 EUR

No. 4077

Limit: 380 EUR


doll with bisque porcelain socket head, not marked 34 cm, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, on a bisque breast plate, jointed body, porcelain forearms, 1 hand was repaired, old mohair wig, original clothes, underwear, shoes and socks
Result: 500.00 EUR

No. 4078

Limit: 140 EUR


marked DEP, red stamp: Tête Jumeau, 56 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, French jointed body, colorwise retouched, wig is more recent, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks
Result: 420.00 EUR

No. 4079

Limit: 950 EUR


fashion doll, France, bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, marked 8, 47 cm, brown fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, mohair wig is more recent, on a bisque breast plate, used leather body, ermine collar, bag and hat, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks
Result: 1100.00 EUR

No. 4080

Limit: 1,200 EUR


machine, huntsman, with hare and dog, bisque socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, wood/wire body, original clothes, silk is caused of old age in worn condition, dog and hare are made of papier mâché, 31 cm tall, clock mechanism is spinning, unusual
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 1428.48 EUR

No. 4081

Limit: 180 EUR


small model wardrobe, walnut tree, 34 cm tall, 34.5 cm wide, early, nice decoration for a small early doll
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 214.27 EUR

No. 4082

Limit: 140 EUR


dressing table, wood with marble top, with mirror, 41 cm, nice doll decoration, c. 1890
Result: 240.00 EUR

No. 4083

Limit: 1,200 EUR


doll with bisque socket head, marked 8, 47 cm, old mohair wig, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, old spring drive, French jointed body, old clothes, underwear and shoes
Result: 1500.00 EUR

No. 4084

Limit: 1,600 EUR


France, marked SCH in emblem, 40 cm, original mohair wig, socket head made of pressed bisque, blue fix inset paperweight eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, French jointed body, fix wrists, very nice original condition, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, very nice size
Result: 3500.00 EUR

No. 4085

Limit: 160 EUR


doll with bisque porcelain head, France, 56 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, jointed body, with head turning mechanism, blowing a kiss, the real hair wig is more recent, original shoes and socks, old underwear, 2 small fingers are missing
Result: 160.00 EUR

No. 4086

Limit: 140 EUR


K & R
401, small doll with bisque porcelain head, 19 cm, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, run mechanism with mechanism for turning the head, standing  mass body, with modelled shoes and socks, original dress, silk is caused of old age slightly worn, this size is unusual, box with glass cover, straps at the side are missing
Result: 220.00 EUR

No. 4087

Limit: 140 EUR


small box, complex worked handicraft, brass clasp, 16 cm, with 2 small all-bisque dolls, 9 cm, boy and girl, fix head, fix inset glass eyes, jointed arms and legs, original clothes
Result: 330.00 EUR

No. 4088

Limit: 70 EUR


casket, with wax seal , 5.5 cm, candelabrum, 3 cm, probably around 1890, nice decoration for a fashion doll
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 83.33 EUR

No. 4089

Limit: 160 EUR


small all-bisque doll, Mignonette, 10 cm, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, jointed arms and legs, original clothes, in a papier mâché casket, with vaulted glass cover
Result: 550.00 EUR

No. 4090

Limit: 60 EUR


mixed lot of accessories for dolls, small packets, letters, bowl, brass lamp, 7 cm
Result: 120.00 EUR

No. 4091

Limit: 180 EUR


bisque porcelain-shoulder headed doll, bright fine modelled hair, fix inset glass eyes, slightly opened/closed mouth, marked Germany 211 6, leather body, porcelain-forearms, fabric legs, dress was sewed of old fabric, old underwear, shoes and socks
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 214.27 EUR

No. 4092

Limit: 320 EUR


running doll, pull game, bisque socket head, fine modelled hair, with hair ring, pierced ears, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, on a bisque breast plate, papier mâché torso, fabric arms, enameled porcelain forearms, very nice expression
Result: 390.00 EUR

No. 4093

Limit: 280 EUR


all-bisque doll, 22 cm, socket head, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, the original mohair wig wasn't removed, from outside are no flaws visible, nice original clothes, silk is caused of old age in worn condition
Result: 500.00 EUR

No. 4094

Limit: 120 EUR


all-bisque doll, 22 cm, fix head, fix inset brown glass eyes, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, mohair wig is more recent, clothes old or sewed of old fabric
Result: 120.00 EUR

No. 4095

Limit: 160 EUR


boy, bisque breast plate head, bright fine modelled hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, bisque forearms and legs, with modelled boots, clothes are more recent, 33 cm
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 190.46 EUR

No. 4096

Limit: 180 EUR


draft horse, 50 cm, covered with pelt, strongly worn, original condition, nice size, as doll decoration, c. 1890
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 214.27 EUR

No. 4097

Limit: 280 EUR


No. 10, doll with bisque porcelain head, France, 64 cm, socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, French jointed body, 1 hand with the typically  flaked off masspart, original real hair wig and cork cover, old clothes and underwear, and also shoes, with umbrella
Result: 1000.00 EUR

No. 4098

Limit: 450 EUR


doll's barrel organ, c. 1890, 46 cm tall, 56 cm long, 28 cm deep, wood, brass ornament, wheels with spokes, music mechanism with hand crank, perforated plates, doll decoration
Result: 550.00 EUR

No. 4099

Limit: 60 EUR


300, mohair wig, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, standing mass body, up-painted shoes and socks, dress old or sewed of old fabric, 20 cm
Result: 130.00 EUR

No. 4101

Limit: 30 EUR


wood doll, 30 cm, added nose, jointed wood body, c. 1910, with Groednertal doll, 20 cm
Result: 50.00 EUR

No. 4102

Limit: 80 EUR


mixed lot of doll's decoration pieces, for a fashion doll, small jewelry box, brass/sheet metal with doll jewellery, bag, mirror, fan
Result: 500.00 EUR

No. 4103

Limit: 60 EUR


doll's decoration pieces, for a fashion doll, fan, 7 cm, pair of glasses, mirror, small binoculars, comb, small vanity box
Result: 600.00 EUR

No. 4104

Limit: 40 EUR


accessories for a fashion doll, hat, head with a diameter of 4 cm, comb, chain, small pin-cushion, shaped like a pig, 2 hatpins
Result: 80.00 EUR

No. 4105

Limit: 30 EUR


decoration for dolls, earring, chains, hair slide, small bag, height: 1.5 cm, for a small fashion doll
Result: 70.00 EUR

No. 4106

Limit: 30 EUR


felt vest for a doll soldier, size c. 35 cm, with  some damages at felt, around 1900
Result: 150.00 EUR

No. 4107

Limit: 80 EUR


mixed lot of doll clothes, for fashion-doll, hat, inside diameter: 5 cm, 1x green, for a c. 40 cm large doll, good condition, 1x cream-colored, is stronger worn, for a c. 38 cm large doll, 1x striped, for a c. 50 cm large doll
Result: 220.00 EUR

No. 4108

Limit: 60 EUR


4 pieces early doll clothes, for small dolls, size: 28 - 30 cm
Result: 550.00 EUR

No. 4109

Limit: 60 EUR


7 pieces doll's clothes, around 1900, for small dolls, 30 -35 cm, coat, pinafores, dresses, skirts, mostly good condition
Result: 220.00 EUR

No. 4110

Limit: 60 EUR


mixed lot of doll's clothes, around 1900, for c. 40 - 45 cm large dolls, dress with pinafore, 2 dresses, 1x single pinafore, 1x white dress, for a smaller doll, 1 some early doll's shoes, 6 cm, mostly good condition
Result: 390.00 EUR

No. 4111

Limit: 140 EUR


370, DEP, 34 cm, bisque shoulder headed doll, old mohair-wig, blue sleepy eyes, inset pelt eyebrows, losing, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, leather body, bisque forearms, mass legs, old clothes, underwear and socks, shoes are more recent
Result: 140.00 EUR

No. 4112

Limit: 180 EUR


890, all-bisque doll, 15 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, mohair wig, old clothes, papier mâché Easter egg, covered with silk , painted, inside lined, 23.5 cm
Result: 290.00 EUR

No. 4113

Limit: 60 EUR


8 pieces white laundry, for middle sized up to larger dolls, dresses, skirts, pinafores, shirts, around 1900
Result: 60.00 EUR

No. 4114

Limit: 30 EUR


coat for a larger doll, 1 dress, 1 pinafore, c. 1920
Result: 30.00 EUR

No. 4115

Limit: 60 EUR


mixed lot of doll accessories, hat, inside diameter 6.5 cm, 1 ivory umbrella, handle is missing, point isn't complete, 1 doll's bag, 1 ermine, with casket, 1 tiltable mirror, 31 cm, 1 some children's gloves, suitable for larger doll, 1 hatstand
Result: 200.00 EUR

No. 4116

Limit: 30 EUR


1 some doll's shoes for a larger doll, 11 cm, 1 sole of the shoe is missing, 1 some nailed children's shoes, 1 some children's gloves for a larger doll, 4 hankies with monogram
Result: 80.00 EUR

No. 4117

Limit: 60 EUR


children's coat, suitable for a larger doll, c. 70 cm, with underwear, all in all 3 pieces, around 1900
Result: 60.00 EUR

No. 4118

Limit: 60 EUR


mixed lot of white laundry, for larger doll, shirt, skirt, trousers, 1 dress, around 1900
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 71.42 EUR

No. 4119

Limit: 70 EUR


silver chain with Chinese rider, fine silver work, semi-relief motif, 10 x 9 cm, with 1 silver rattle, ivory handle, c. 8 cm
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 83.33 EUR

No. 4120

Limit: 90 EUR


3 children's rattles, silver, 1 x elephant, with bakelite ring, by Birmingham, 1947, 1 x ge. BEBE, with wooden ring, 1 x squirrel, with mother-of-pearl ring, marked Chester, 1904
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 107.14 EUR

No. 4121

Limit: 30 EUR


2 children's rattles, silver, clowns whistle, marked 800, small parts at coat are break off, ivory handle, 1 x marked BEBE
Result: 110.00 EUR

No. 4122

Limit: 90 EUR


3 children's rattles, silver, 1 x sitting dog, plastic ring, 1 x sitting monk, marked 800, 1 x silver, filigree produced, handle made of coral, 6 cm
Result: 90.00 EUR

No. 4123

Limit: 90 EUR


3 children's rattles, silver, 1 x acorn, ivory handle, 1 x kangaroo with bakelite ring, 1 x cock, with wooden ring
Result: 90.00 EUR

No. 4124

Limit: 90 EUR


4 children's rattles, silver, 1 x Bonzo, with milk bottle, bakelite ring, 1 x small rattle, marked Kautokeino 925, 2 x rattle, marked Toble 925, 6 cm
Result: 120.00 EUR

No. 4125

Limit: 80 EUR


2 children's rattles, silver, mushroom with little bell, 3 little bells  are missing, handle made of carvedivory, 1 x fool with 4 little bells, 1 x whistle, 10.5 cm
Result: 120.00 EUR

No. 4126

Limit: 70 EUR


2 children's rattles, silver, 1 x sitting bear, with 2 little bell, handle mother-of-pearl, Fa. Crissford and Noris, Birmingham, 1934, 13 cm, 1 x cock, one side is slightly dent, 11 cm
Result: 150.00 EUR

No. 4127

Limit: 90 EUR


2 children's rattles, silver, 1 x umbrella with little bell, 12 cm, 1 x with applied boy, face on both sides, one nose is slightly dent, Fa. Chrissford u. Noris, Birmingham, 1934, ivory handle, 12 cm
Result: 90.00 EUR

No. 4128

Limit: 90 EUR


8 children's rattles, silver, 1 x with little bell, Birmingham, 1928, handle and ring are made of ivory, 2 x ceremony rattles, with little bell, at the top a cat and a rhinoceros, 20 cm, with 4 small rattles, with handle made of mother-of-pearl and ivory
Result: 110.00 EUR

No. 4129

Limit: 550 EUR


fashion doll, 50 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, leather body, bisque forearms, old clothes, old shoes, old mohair wig, with stronger hair loss
Result: 2100.00 EUR

No. 4130

Limit: 850 EUR


fashion doll, France, 50 cm, real hair wig, bisque socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, on a bisque breast plate, leather body, small places are caused of old age in worn condition, old clothes and underwear, old leather boot with heel
Result: 2300.00 EUR

No. 4131

Limit: 260 EUR


doll with bisque porcelain head, French Bébé, 56 cm, socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, French jointed body, the flaked offmassparts at body are caused of old age, wig and clothes are more recent
Result: 550.00 EUR

No. 4132

Limit: 180 EUR


K & R
121, bisque porcelain character baby, 56 cm, marked at head 50, size difference is caused by the Toddler-body, blue sleepy eyes, dimple, old real hair wig, old clothes, very expressive
Result: 800.00 EUR

No. 4133

Limit: 120 EUR


in square, marked 12 Germany, 72 cm, exceptional size, modelled hair, blue Intaglio-eyes, closed mouth, fabric torso, mass arms and legs, mass-parts with formation of spider lines, 1 finger is missing, with 1 old mohair wig, clothes are more recent, old shoes (worn)
Result: 550.00 EUR

No. 4134

Limit: 260 EUR


doll with bisque porcelain head, France, 48 cm, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, old spring drive, French jointed body, old clothes and underwear, old shoes, soles are missing, typical flaked off mass parts at the hands, real hair wig, cork cover, with old original box by Kämmer & Reinhardt, caused of old age in worn condition
Result: 650.00 EUR

No. 4135

Limit: 180 EUR


109, doll with bisque porcelain head, 44 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, formed jointed body, hands with slight color deviations, old clothes and underwear, old mohair wig, old box of a French doll, not suitable
Result: 180.00 EUR

No. 4136

Limit: 180 EUR


doll withbisque porcelain head, 46 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, jointed body, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, old mohair wig, original box by FRANZ SCHMIDT & CO.
Result: 280.00 EUR

No. 4137

Limit: 120 EUR


1894, doll with bisque porcelain head, 37 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, mohair wig wasn't removed, from outside are no flaws visible, brand across the nose, jointed body with fix wrists, old clothes and underwear
Result: 120.00 EUR

No. 4138

Limit: 260 EUR


No. 9, doll with bisque porcelain head, France, 60 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, French jointed body, hands with the typical flaked off masspart, old underwear, old leather boot, real hair wig
Result: 900.00 EUR

No. 4139

Limit: 120 EUR


No. 4, bisque porcelain socket head doll, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, 29 cm, real hair wig, clothes were sewed of old fabric, jointed body with fix wrists, 1 finger is missing, retouched body
Result: 2000.00 EUR

No. 4140

Limit: 60 EUR


doll with bisque porcelain head, marked 174, 25 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, jointed body, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, mohair wig, small brand at the back of the head
Result: 300.00 EUR

No. 4141

Limit: 220 EUR


doll with bisque porcelain head, marked DEP 3, 35 cm, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, French jointed body, old clothes, old mohair wig
Result: 800.00 EUR

No. 4142

Limit: 400 EUR


154, biscuit porcelain socket head, full head, boy, modelled hair, brown sleepy eyes, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, sitting baby body, mass body in good condition, with old clothes, 26 cm
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 476.16 EUR

No. 4143

Limit: 750 EUR


Eastern girl, biscuit porcelain socket head, marked 921 japanese, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, all-bisque body, old clothes and wig, 24 cm
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 892.80 EUR

No. 4144

Limit: 500 EUR


Oriental, biscuit porcelain socket head, marked 1329, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, pierced ears, standing  mass body, c. 31 cm, with old kimono and original wig
Result: 500.00 EUR

No. 4145

Limit: 350 EUR


in lozenge, biscuit porcelain full head, blue Intaglio eyes, fine modelled mouth, modelled short curly hair, mass body, 20 cm, 1 arm loose?
Result: 450.00 EUR

No. 4146

Limit: 650 EUR


221, Googly, fine porcelain, mouth, with to the side looking big circular glass eyes, with a firing crack that is the starting point of a fine hairline crack, German jointed body, clothes are sewed of old fabric, blond mohair wig, 39 cm
Result: 1800.00 EUR

No. 4147

Limit: 1,500 EUR


Googly, biscuit porcelain socket head, mark in the neck 165.5, brown to the side looking circular glass eyes, mouth, fine modelled nose, fine porcelain, toddler body, clothes were sewed of old fabric, curly real hair wig, 39 cm, very nice expression
Result: 1600.00 EUR

No. 4148

Limit: 880 EUR


Bebe Jumeau, No. 10, biscuit porcelain socket head, fix inset blue Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, fine hairline crack at the forehead, French jointed body with blue stamp on the backside Jumeau medaille d´or Paris, 54 cm, clothes good and sewed of old fabric, nice old wig
Result: 1500.00 EUR

No. 4149

Limit: 550 EUR


Belton type, biscuit porcelain full head, fix inset blue Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, jointed body, with fix wrists, curly mohair wig, old shoes, dress were sewed of old fabric, 59 cm
Result: 750.00 EUR

No. 4150

Limit: 550 EUR


French TETE Jumeau, No. 1, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, French jointed body, old clothes, 20 cm, cork cover, blond curly mohair wig, nice size
Result: 5400.00 EUR

No. 4151

Limit: 1,200 EUR


French Bebe, marked A.19 Paris le Parisien, biscuit porcelain socket head, blue fix inset almond-shaped Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, very fine bright porcelain, French jointed body, fine modelled ears, cork cover is missing, c. 70 cm, French shoes,, old underwear, probably old dress, fine real hair wig
Result: 2100.00 EUR

No. 4152

Limit: 650 EUR


French Bebe, big fix inset dark-brown Paperweight eyes, opened mouth, pierced ears, mark in the neck FG in cartouche, 68 cm, old cork cover, old wig, French jointed body
Result: 1300.00 EUR

No. 4153

Limit: 330 EUR


wooden full head on a wooden breast plate, swivel head, fix inset brown Paperweight eyes, closed painted mouth, modelled big ears, painted hair, wooden forearms and legs, fabric body, 56 cm, slight colorwise abrasion at  the tip of the nose
Result: 330.00 EUR

No. 4154

Limit: 280 EUR


papier mâché shoulder headed doll, ca.1880, unusual modelled hairstyle, brown painted eyes,  earlobe piercings, mass forearms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, old dress and slip, 84 cm, cheeks and tip of the nose with slight worn places
Result: 550.00 EUR

No. 4155

Limit: 15,000 EUR


K & R
"KARL", bisque porcelain character doll, full head, marked K&R 102 30, fine modelled blond hair, slightly melancholy expression, deep modelled pout, light blue painted eyes, slightly worn place at the left cheek, German jointed body, 30 cm, right thumb is missing, one of the very rare German character dolls, loft find directly from a family estate
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 17856.00 EUR

No. 4156

Limit: 180 EUR


biscuit porcelain character doll, marked 531, Baehr & Pröschild, 31 cm, bisque full head, blue painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, jointed body, complex dressed, with some accessories, in an old box, but not suitable to the doll
Result: 450.00 EUR

No. 4157

Limit: 380 EUR


playing box, music mechanism, with dancing doll, wooden box, 14.5 x 11 cm, height: 24 cm, unusual
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 452.35 EUR

No. 4158

Limit: 120 EUR


doll with bisque porcelain head, 30 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, jointed body, mohair wig is more recent, old clothes, body in very good condition, nice size
Result: 280.00 EUR

No. 4159

Limit: 140 EUR


probably KESTNER
doll with bisque porcelain head, 36 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, jointed body, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, old mohair wig, plaster cover
Result: 500.00 EUR

No. 4160

Limit: 140 EUR


doll with bisque porcelain head, 43 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, jointed body, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, old mohair wig
Result: 300.00 EUR

No. 4161

Limit: 120 EUR


doll with bisque porcelain head, marked Germany 79 5, 32 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, jointed body with fix wrists, old clothes and underwear, mohair wig is more recent
Result: 240.00 EUR

No. 4162

Limit: 140 EUR


260, bisque porcelain character doll, 43 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, jointed body, old mohair wig, old clothes and shoes
Result: 140.00 EUR

No. 4163

Limit: 120 EUR


doll with bisque porcelain head, 36 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, jointed body, old dress and underwear, mohair wig is more recent
Result: 500.00 EUR

No. 4164

Limit: 240 EUR


porcelain character doll, marked 1321, brown sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, real hair wig, on toddler mass body, with fix wrists, fingertips of the left hand and the toes were restored in places, 30 cm, old clothes
Result: 330.00 EUR

No. 4165

Limit: 120 EUR


piano, with 2 perforated plates, can be wind up, clock mechanism is intact, with applied christmas tree (is turning), lenght: 35 cm, height: 13 cm
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 142.85 EUR

No. 4166

Limit: 2,500 EUR


Théroud, Alexandre Nicolas, shooting soldier, papier mâché, original silk clothes, standing on a tricycle, clock mechanism is faulty, very nice original condition, original clothes, around 1850, 26 cm, is a museum piece
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 2976.00 EUR

No. 4167

Limit: 280 EUR


Handwerk, doll with porcelain head, marked Dep 109-15 Germany Halbig 6, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, mohair wig, on a jointed mass body, with ball-and-socket joints, 75 cm, old clothes and boots
Result: 280.00 EUR

No. 4168

Limit: 280 EUR


porcelain head-doll, marked Dep 1079 Germany 15, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, glue rests at of the top of head, real hair wig more recent, on mass-jointed body, upper arms painted over, 84 cm, old clothes, with 1 x Zusatzkleidung sailor dress, colorwise slightly faded
Result: 330.00 EUR

No. 4169

Limit: 250 EUR


doll with porcelain head, marked 15, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, teeth, small chip at the top of head, but it isn't the starting point of a tear , original real hair wig, with additional more recent real hair wig, on a jointed mass body, long thighs, knees are retouched, hands were painted over, 92 cm, old clothes and boots
Result: 250.00 EUR

No. 4170

Limit: 320 EUR


coloreddoll with porcelain head, "Hilda", marked 245 Germany 1914, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth, tongue, mohair wig, on a sitting mass baby body, with stick-out toe, fingertips with small repaired places, 29 cm
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 380.93 EUR

No. 4171

Limit: 70 EUR


doll with porcelain head, marked Germany 990 A.10.M., brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth, real hair wig, on a sitting mass baby body, with stick-out toe, 45 cm, torso and legs were new painted, neckline new modelled
Result: 70.00 EUR

No. 4172

Limit: 90 EUR


small velvet suitcase about open, inside sewing accessories, crochet hook and other things made of ivory, with some old needle cases, paper, 2 hand mirror, small notebook, 1 prayer book, 1 oval basket made of metal mesh, small case with chains, nice decoration for a big French doll
Result: 150.00 EUR

No. 4173

Limit: 1,200 EUR


violin playing clown on a barrel, France, c. 1860, 37.5 cm, papier mâché head, barrel made of cardboard and stuck with lithographed paper, original silk clothes, papier mâché hands and feet, clock mechanism drive is intact, by shifting the weight in the barrel it rolls to and fro, nice original condition, decorative
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 1428.48 EUR

No. 4174

Limit: 120 EUR


doll's bag, France, c. 1860, Biedermeier, 11.5 cm wide, 11.5 cm tall, unusual, a nice decoration for an early doll, with 1 basket
Result: 1300.00 EUR

No. 4175

Limit: 120 EUR


3 pieces doll's baskets, France, before 1900, nice doll decoration, height: 13 - 18 cm
Result: 150.00 EUR

No. 4176

Limit: 80 EUR


biscuit porcelain socket head, marked 1361 55, sitting baby body, c. 55 cm, the glass eyes were afterwards fix inset, eyes are damaged in the back, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced nostrils, a bit color is wear down at the cheek, wig is more recent, old clothes
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 95.23 EUR

No. 4177

Limit: 220 EUR


biscuit porcelain character doll, marked B2 ½ Germany, 38 cm, full head, blue Intaglio eyes with opened/closed mouth, jointed body, hands with color deviations, clothes are partially old, old shoes
Result: 420.00 EUR

No. 4178

Limit: 850 EUR


fashion doll, France, 33 cm, bisque socket head, on a bisque breast plate, leather body, original mohair wig, original head cover, original dress, silk is caused of old age worn, in a glass case, some accessories, with leather boots
Result: 1000.00 EUR

No. 4179

Limit: 450 EUR


biscuit porcelain shoulder headed doll, 48 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, leather body, very nice hairstyle made of real hair, old clothes and underwear, old leather boot, in a glass case, very expressive
Result: 450.00 EUR

No. 4180

Limit: 160 EUR


biscuit porcelain shoulder headed doll, 65 cm, the blue glass eyes were afterwards fix inset, closed mouth, dimple at chin, leather body is at some places mended and leather parts were applied, old clothes, old mohair wig
Result: 170.00 EUR

No. 4181

Limit: 260 EUR


probably ZINNER
semi-automatic machine, crank drive with music mechanism, clown with violin, bisque head with flange neck, wood /wire body, mechanism is intact, 36 cm
Result: 800.00 EUR

No. 4182

Limit: 180 EUR


pull game, boy with cylinder, bisque head, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, wood /wire body, 30 cm
Result: 450.00 EUR

No. 4183

Limit: 280 EUR


pull game, Policinelli with dancing dog, bisque head, body made of papier mâché/wire/wood/mass, silk is caused of old age in worn condition, height: 37 cm
Result: 650.00 EUR

No. 4184

Limit: 180 EUR


pull game, 2 children playing music, celluloid Einbinde heads, wood / wire body, mass legs, lenght: 30.5 cm
Result: 240.00 EUR

No. 4185

Limit: 120 EUR


soldier on horseback, mass, 51 cm tall, 1 hand was retouched, original felt clothes, decorative
Result: 260.00 EUR

No. 4186

Limit: 160 EUR


exceptional model chair, 31 cm tall, height of the armrest: 18 cm, silk embroidery, silk is caused of old age in worn condition, early, very nice doll decoration
Result: 1600.00 EUR

No. 4187

Limit: 60 EUR


Pumpkin Head doll, England, papier mâché, wax coated, fix inset brown glass eyes, fabric body, wood arms and legs,
Result: 60.00 EUR

No. 4188

Limit: 90 EUR


Oriental, 39 cm, bisque head with flange neck, brown sleepy eyes, eye mechanism is fix, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, sitting body made of fabric , celluloid hands
Result: 220.00 EUR

No. 4189

Limit: 180 EUR


exceptional wooden doll, fine carved hair, the face painting is possibly more recent, intimitated breasts, jointed arms, jointed legs, with skirt line and intimitated boots
Result: 200.00 EUR

No. 4190

Limit: 120 EUR


papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 53 cm, fine modelled hair, painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, wood arms, old clothes, original painting
Result: 120.00 EUR

No. 4191

Limit: 180 EUR


exceptional box, France, c. 1880, shaped like a cabinet (sewing box, can be opened inside), both doors are mirrored, inside lined with silk, silk is caused of old age slightly worn, drawer  down below can be pull out, nice decoration for a smaller French fashion doll, nice original condition
Result: 260.00 EUR

No. 4192

Limit: 140 EUR


939, colored boy, 26 cm, colored socket head, original mohair wig, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, dark toned jointed body, clothes were sewed of old fabric
Result: 650.00 EUR

No. 4193

Limit: 70 EUR


small biscuit porcelain Googly, 17 cm, socket head, with brown to the side looking painted eyes, closed mouth, stocky standing body, with up-painted shoes, 1 hand is worn
Result: 100.00 EUR

No. 4194

Limit: 120 EUR


323, Googly, 25 cm, bisque socket head, brown glass eyes, closed mouth, standing mass body, with jointed arms, body was unhandsome painted over, old mohair wig with slight hair loss, old clothes
Result: 200.00 EUR

No. 4195

Limit: 160 EUR


323, Googly, 27 cm, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, standing  mass body, with thick stomach, brows were probably 1 x traced, mohair wig with slight hair loss
Result: 160.00 EUR

No. 4196

Limit: 160 EUR


Googly, 22 cm, bisque socket head, brown to the side looking painted eyes, closed mouth, modelled hair, not marked, simple standing mass body, with modelled shoes and socks, dress is made of crepe paper
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 190.46 EUR

No. 4197

Limit: 180 EUR


200, Googly, 23 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, to the side looking, closed mouth, standing mass body, old clothes, real hair wig
Result: 330.00 EUR

No. 4198

Limit: 180 EUR


323, Googly, 26 cm, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, standing mass body, with thick stomach, 2 fingers are knocked, otherwise body in good condition, old underwear, shoes and socks, old mohair wig
Result: 360.00 EUR

No. 4199

Limit: 80 EUR


320, Googly, 16.5 cm, bisque socket head, blue Intaglio eyes, closed mouth, standing  mass body, with up-painted shoes and socks
Result: 80.00 EUR

No. 4200

Limit: 130 EUR


Googly, 19 cm, blue to the side looking sleepy eyes, closed mouth, standing mass body, with modelled shoes and socks, old mohair wig, clothes old or sewed of old fabric
Result: 500.00 EUR

No. 4201

Limit: 180 EUR


Googly, marked Elite Dep E2/0, boy, 25 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, appropiated hat, on a toddler body, with fix wrists
Result: 390.00 EUR

No. 4202

Limit: 160 EUR


Googly, marked Demalcol 5/0 Germany, 23 cm, bisque socket head, the blue glass eyes were afterwards fix inset, to the side looking, closed mouth, standing  mass body, with thick stomach, old clothes, old mohair wig
Result: 200.00 EUR

No. 4203

Limit: 180 EUR


165 1/0, Googly, 20 cm, bisque socket head, with brown to the side looking fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, standing mass body, modelled shoes and socks, mohair wig, clothes were sewed of old fabric
Result: 400.00 EUR

No. 4204

Limit: 180 EUR


Googly, marked Dep Elite USA, 25 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, appropiated hat, on a simple standing mass body
Result: 330.00 EUR

No. 4205

Limit: 180 EUR


3 pieces, all-bisque, 12.5 - 13.5 cm, 1 x marked 83/50, fix head, with blue ot the side looking fix inset glass eyes, draw up brows, opened mouth, stocky standing  mass body, jointed arms and legs, 1 x Googly, 12.5 cm, with brown to the side looking painted eyes, closed mouth, fix head, jointed arms and legs, 1 x Googly, full head, with to the side looking painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, fix legs, jointed arms, marked 424 12
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 214.27 EUR

No. 4206

Limit: 60 EUR


355, small colored doll with porcelain head, squirted porcelain, 18.5 cm, socket head, brown fix inset glass eyes, the mohair wig wasn't removed, dark toned mass body
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 71.42 EUR

No. 4207

Limit: 140 EUR


152, character baby, 28 cm, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, with intimitated tongue, sitting baby body, old mohair wig, old clothes
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 166.66 EUR

No. 4208

Limit: 160 EUR


biscuit porcelain shoulder headed doll, Belton type, 44 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, old mohair wig, leather body, bisque forearms, dress old or sewed of old fabric, old underwear
Result: 240.00 EUR

No. 4209

Limit: 380 EUR


semi-automatic machine, with hand crank, wood colored frame, 4 dolls with bisque head, on a swing boat, music mechanism with motion is intact, 41 cm tall, 30 cm wide
Result: 640.00 EUR

No. 4210

Limit: 240 EUR


Deposé TETE Jumeau, No. 12, 68 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, French jointed body, old cork cover, mohair wig, clothes were sewed of old fabric, old underwear and shoes
Result: 1000.00 EUR

No. 4211

Limit: 350 EUR


papier mâché Bulldog, 44 cm, fix inset glass eyes, original ruff, voice function by opening the snout is intact, original condition, nice decoration for a French Bébé
Result: 2200.00 EUR

No. 4212

Limit: 80 EUR


decorative doll piano, 25.5 cm tall, no function, candle holder is missing
Result: 80.00 EUR

No. 4213

Limit: 120 EUR


chest of drawers, cardboard stuck with lithographed paper, feet are made of gilded brass/casting, 23 cm wide, 2 drawers, c. 1880, nice doll decoration
Result: 120.00 EUR

No. 4214

Limit: 60 EUR


doll's sedan, France, cardboard, lithographed sheet metal, height: 23 cm
Result: 60.00 EUR

No. 4215

Limit: 120 EUR


doll's palanquin, wood, decorative painting, 25.5 cm, glasses are polished, nice doll decoration for a smaller fashion doll
Result: 180.00 EUR

No. 4216

Limit: 70 EUR


early doll's cradle, 40 cm, mortised wood , nice decoration for a Biedermeier doll
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 83.33 EUR

No. 4217

Limit: 120 EUR


Trousseau suitcase, 35.5 cm wide, some clothes, lots of accessories
Result: 420.00 EUR

No. 4218

Limit: 160 EUR


doll with bisque head, France, marked PG Deposé scratched into 8, 52 cm, fix inset blue/grey glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, old mohair wig, French jointed body, dress sewed of old fabric, old shoes and socks
Result: 700.00 EUR

No. 4219

Limit: 90 EUR


doll with bisque head, marked 62 Spezial Germany, 62 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, mohair wig, jointed body, 1 finger is missing, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks,
Result: 180.00 EUR

No. 4220

Limit: 260 EUR


doll with bisque head, marked A15 Paris red stamp la Parisienne, 58 cm, socket head made of pressed bisque, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, papier mâché head cover, old mohair wig, clothes sewed of old fabric, jointed body, with fix wrists, 3 fingers were glued
Result: 850.00 EUR

No. 4221

Limit: 220 EUR


for Jumeau, 1907 red stamp TETE Jumeau, 54 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, old mohair wig, French jointed body, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks
Result: 800.00 EUR

No. 4222

Limit: 380 EUR


early papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 85 cm (exceptional size), fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, teeth, real hair wig, painted hair under the wig, leather body, some places at body were retouched, old clothes, old shoes, original painting
Result: 550.00 EUR

No. 4223

Limit: 380 EUR


227 Paris 8, biscuit porcelain character boy, 55 cm, bisque-full head, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, French jointed body, with SFBJ stamp, old clothes, trousers is caused of old age in worn condition, old boots
Result: 650.00 EUR

No. 4224

Limit: 180 EUR


doll with bisque head, France, not marked, 66 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, French jointed body, dress is sewed of old fabric, mohair wig is more recent
Result: 1000.00 EUR

No. 4225

Limit: 160 EUR


No. 10, doll with bisque head, France, 54 cm, bisque socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, old real hair wig, clothes are more recent, hands with the typical scratches on the paintwork
Result: 850.00 EUR

No. 4226

Limit: 120 EUR


doll with bisque head, 44 cm, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, suitable jointed body, mohair wig, old clothes and underwear
Result: 140.00 EUR

No. 4227

Limit: 90 EUR


doll with bisque head, marked 189, 50 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, jointed body, with long thighs, old real hair wig, old clothes and underwear, shoes are more recent
Result: 220.00 EUR

No. 4228

Limit: 380 EUR


Jullien No. 7, doll with bisque head, France, 48 cm, bisque socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, minimally chip at one earlobe piercing, French jointed body, old mohair wig, old cork cover, old clothes and shoes
Result: 1300.00 EUR

No. 4229

Limit: 90 EUR


doll with bisque head, marked 476, 45 cm, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, old mohair wig, jointed body, hands seems to be a bit too small, body used, dress was sewed of old fabric, old shoes
Result: 800.00 EUR

No. 4230

Limit: 220 EUR


117N, 70 cm, blue impish eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, jointed body, old clothes and underwear, old mohair wig
Result: 500.00 EUR

No. 4231

Limit: 160 EUR


109, doll with bisque head, 80 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, jointed body, mohair wig partially with hair loss, old clothes
Result: 500.00 EUR

No. 4232

Limit: 120 EUR


for Jumeau, marked Dep , 75 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, French jointed body, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, wig is more recent, eyelid with small dabs of paint, hands were over painted
Result: 200.00 EUR

No. 4233

Limit: 160 EUR


301, doll with bisque head, France, 55 cm, socket head with blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, wig is more recent, French jointed body, exceptional traditional costume, complex produced
Result: 1100.00 EUR

No. 4234

Limit: 220 EUR


Deposé TETE Jumeau red stamp, doll with bisque head, France, 66 cm, socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, French jointed body, hands with some flaked off paint parts, dress old or sewed of old fabric, very complex, old underwear, shoes and socks, old wig
Result: 950.00 EUR

No. 4235

Limit: 140 EUR


1349, "Jutta", doll with bisque head, 64 cm, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, old mohair wig, pierced ears, jointed body, old clothes, hands are worn, 1 finger was glued
Result: 330.00 EUR

No. 4236

Limit: 140 EUR


doll with bisque head, marked Mom Cherslp Paris No. 12, 66 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, French jointed body, real hair wig, clothes were sewed of old fabric, hands with flaked off paint parts
Result: 260.00 EUR

No. 4237

Limit: 180 EUR


236, bisque porcelain character doll, France, 32 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, French toddler body, the real hair wig is more recent, old clothes, old shoes
Result: 260.00 EUR

No. 4238

Limit: 160 EUR


585, biscuit porcelain character doll, 40 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, modelled teeth, old mohair wig, sitting baby body, fingers are worn, old clothes
Result: 180.00 EUR

No. 4239

Limit: 120 EUR


biscuit porcelainv character baby, 28 cm, bisque socket head, brown painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, sitting baby body with different postures of hands, 1 small finger is missing, full head
Result: 200.00 EUR

No. 4240

Limit: 120 EUR


doll with bisque head, marked 109, 42 cm, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, jointed body, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, old mohair wig, slightly hair loss, clothes were sewed of old fabric
Result: 240.00 EUR

No. 4241

Limit: 80 EUR


ventriloquist's dummy, 54 cm, papier mâché head, painted eyes, jointed lower jaw, with pull mechanism, fabric body, mass arms, original condition, probably from the '20s
Result: 330.00 EUR

No. 4242

Limit: 160 EUR


biscuit porcelain character doll, size 10, 76 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, mohair wig is more recent, jointed body, old clothes and shoes
Result: 650.00 EUR

No. 4243

Limit: 80 EUR


doll with bisque head, Belton type, 26 cm, shoulder headed doll, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, bisque arms and legs, up-painted boots, original traditional costume, mohair wig
Result: 500.00 EUR

No. 4244

Limit: 120 EUR


biscuit porcelain shoulder headed doll, 38 cm, fine modelled blond hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, bisque arms, old clothes, silk is partially a bit worn
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 142.85 EUR

No. 4245

Limit: 120 EUR


biscuit porcelain character baby, probably HERTEL, Schwab & Co, 28 cm, socket head, brown painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, sitting baby body, with different postures of hands, slightly sticky-out toe, old clothes
Result: 120.00 EUR

No. 4246

Limit: 120 EUR


1274, biscuit porcelain character baby, 23 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, with modelled teeth, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, sitting baby body, with different postures of hands, slightly sticky-out toe, old clothes
Result: 380.00 EUR

No. 4247

Limit: 80 EUR


Wally, small doll with bisque head, 21 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, sitting baby body, mohair wig is more recent, clothes were sewed of old fabric
Result: 80.00 EUR

No. 4248

Limit: 120 EUR


1272/45 deposit, 42 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, modelled upper teeth, fat crease under the chin, old mohair wig, sitting baby body, with different postures of hands, slightly sticky-out toe, clothes were sewed of old fabric, old shoes
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 142.85 EUR

No. 4249

Limit: 70 EUR


doll with small bisque head, 22 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, standing mass body, with up-painted shoes and socks, old mohair wig, old clothes and underwear
Result: 260.00 EUR

No. 4250

Limit: 60 EUR


small doll with bisque head, 21 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, standing mass body, up-painted shoes, traditional costume, mohair wig
Result: 90.00 EUR

No. 4251

Limit: 120 EUR


126, colored doll with bisque head, 24 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, standing  mass body, with thick stomach and splayed out hands, old mohair wig
Result: 240.00 EUR

No. 4252

Limit: 40 EUR


colored squirted doll with porcelain head, 18.5 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, sitting baby body
Result: 70.00 EUR

No. 4253

Limit: 120 EUR


1894, doll with colored bisque head, 26 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, old mohair wig, old clothes, dark toned jointed body, with fix wrists
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 142.85 EUR

No. 4254

Limit: 120 EUR


341 6H, 47 cm, fix inset brown  glass eyes, closed mouth, please note that it is risky to transport the for eye mechanism, sitting baby body, with different postures of hands, slightly sticky-out toe, dark toned, nice size
Result: 120.00 EUR

No. 4255

Limit: 90 EUR


351/3/2K, colored Dreambaby, 37 cm, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, colored sitting baby body
Result: 90.00 EUR

No. 4256

Limit: 160 EUR


doll with colored bisque head, 54 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes,, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, real hair wig, nice old clothes, dark toned jointed body, ball at 1 ankle is slightly dent
Result: 550.00 EUR

No. 4257

Limit: 140 EUR


doll with bisque head, marked 989 10, 46 cm, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, old real hair wig, jointed body, dress is sewed of old fabric, old underwear, shoes and socks, hands are possibly a little bit too small
Result: 420.00 EUR

No. 4258

Limit: 180 EUR


roundabout, with music mechanism, 49 cm, sheet metal, cardboard, fabric, 4 dolls, with biscuit porcelain heads, body wire, bisque arms, age?, complex produced
Result: 550.00 EUR

No. 4259

Limit: 260 EUR


230, biscuit porcelain character baby, France, 60 cm, (exceptional size), blue sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, modelled teeth and tongue, formed sitting baby body, with different postures of hands, sticky-out toe, original mohair wig, old clothes and shoes
Result: 300.00 EUR

No. 4260

Limit: 380 EUR


big doll with wax head, 1 m, shoulder headed doll, bent sideways toward , fix inset blue glass eyes, inset lashes, wax-arms, retouched hands, very good work, mass body, papier mâché, old clothes, very expressive
Result: 1600.00 EUR

No. 4261

Limit: 120 EUR


exceptional early doll cradle, 51 cm, tiltableto the side, original condition
Result: 650.00 EUR

No. 4262

Limit: 90 EUR


604 3/0, small character doll, 23 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, sitting baby body, old real hair wig
Result: 90.00 EUR

No. 4263

Limit: 90 EUR


small biscuit porcelain character doll, 24 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced nostrils, sitting baby body, with different, postures of hands, the old mohair wig wasn't removed, from outside are no flaws visible, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, nice original condition
Result: 90.00 EUR

No. 4264

Limit: 70 EUR


Revel, doll with bisque head, girl, 23 cm, socket head, modelled hair, painted eyes, slightly opened/closed mouth, mass body, with jointed legs, old clothes
Result: 120.00 EUR

No. 4265

Limit: 120 EUR


122, biscuit porcelain character doll, 28 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, sitting baby body, with different postures of hands, slightly sticky-out toe, old mohair wig with hair loss, old clothes
Result: 120.00 EUR

No. 4266

Limit: 90 EUR


Beylo baby, 32 cm, biscuit porcelain head with flange neck, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, fabric body, celluloid hands, old clothes
Result: 90.00 EUR

No. 4267

Limit: 90 EUR


Beylo baby, 32 cm, bisque head with flange neck, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, celluloid hands, old clothes, the small flaws at thefabric  of the clothesare caused of old age
Result: 90.00 EUR

No. 4268

Limit: 60 EUR


small biscuit porcelain character doll, 21 cm, probably KESTNER, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, wood/mass body, with jointed legs, old plaster cover, old mohair wig, old clothes and underwear, loose rubbers
Result: 390.00 EUR

No. 4269

Limit: 160 EUR


129, doll with bisque head, 42 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, jointed body, with fix wrists, old real hair wig, clothes old or sewed of old fabric
Result: 360.00 EUR

No. 4270

Limit: 160 EUR


for Kuno Otto Dressel, 1349, doll with bisque head, 39 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, jointed body, old mohair wig, old clothes and underwear
Result: 280.00 EUR

No. 4271

Limit: 120 EUR


100, biscuit porcelain character baby, (Kaiser baby), 36 cm, socket head, blue painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, sitting baby body, with different postures of hands, slightly sticky-out toe, old clothes
Result: 400.00 EUR

No. 4272

Limit: 140 EUR


1272/75Z deposit, biscuit porcelain character boy, full head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced nostrils, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, sitting baby body, with different postures of hands, slightly sticky-out toe, clothes are sewed of old fabric
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 166.66 EUR

No. 4273

Limit: 60 EUR


doll with small bisque head, marked 44-16, 21 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, standing mass body, modelled shoes and socks, nice original clothes, original mohair wig, with plaits, nice size
Result: 140.00 EUR

No. 4274

Limit: 70 EUR


399, doll with colored squirted porcelain head, 30 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, pierced ears, sitting baby body
Result: 70.00 EUR

No. 4275

Limit: 120 EUR


1070, size 9, biscuit porcelain character doll, 46 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, sitting baby body, old real hair wig, old underwear, dress old or sewed of old fabric
Result: 450.00 EUR

No. 4276

Limit: 90 EUR


papier mâché, puss in boots, 43 cm, swivel head, jointed arms and legs, original condition, a bit color is wear down, unusual
Result: 200.00 EUR

No. 4277

Limit: 120 EUR


323, Googly, 18 cm, bisque socket head, with blue to the side looking sleepy eyes that were afterwards inset, closed mouth, standing mass body, with splayed out hands and thick stomach, old mohair wig, crocheted clothes
Result: 150.00 EUR

No. 4278

Limit: 90 EUR


all-bisque, Googly, 14.5 cm, fix head, eith brown to the side looking sleepy eyes, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, the wig is more recent, old crochet dress
Result: 130.00 EUR

No. 4279

Limit: 160 EUR


Googly, Heubach in square No. 9573, bisque socket head, with blue to the side looking sleepy eyes, closed mouth, standing  mass body, modelled shoes and socks, 16 cm, old mohair wig, clothes were sewed of old fabric
Result: 160.00 EUR

No. 4280

Limit: 160 EUR


323, Googly, 26 cm, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, standing  mass body, dress old or sewed of old fabric, old shoes, old mohair wig
Result: 360.00 EUR

No. 4281

Limit: 220 EUR


323, Googly, 36 cm, socket head, with blue to the side looking sleepy eyes, closed mouth, toddler body, real hair wig, head seems to be a little bit too small to the body
Result: 220.00 EUR

No. 4282

Limit: 140 EUR


biscuit porcelain character baby, 34 cm, full head, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened/closed mouth, sitting baby body, with different postures of hands, slightly sticky-out toe, clothes were sewed of old fabric
Result: 140.00 EUR

No. 4283

Limit: 120 EUR


doll with bisque head, marked Dep blue stamp, 26 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, slightly opened/closed mouth, toddler body, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, real hair wig, old shoes
Result: 420.00 EUR

No. 4284

Limit: 120 EUR


biscuit porcelain character baby, Aeinco Germany, 31 cm, bisque socket head, blue Intaglio eyes, opened/closed mouth, full head, strongly formed sitting baby body, with different postures of hands, slightly sticky-out toe
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 142.85 EUR

No. 4285

Limit: 160 EUR


doll with biscuit porcelain head with flange neck, with push mechanism, wood- /wire body, up-painted boots, original silk dress, the silk at stomach is caused of old age and using the push mechanism a bit broken, silk is at some places of the original clothes broken, music mechanism is  intact, 38 cm,
Result: 180.00 EUR

No. 4286

Limit: 120 EUR


exceptional papier mâché doll, 42 cm, fix inset blue Paperweight eyes, Ingodi head, jointed body, with fix wrists, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, 1 sole is missing, old mohair wig
Result: 650.00 EUR

No. 4287

Limit: 120 EUR


3 pieces, all-bisque, small Pianobaby, probably Heubach, saltcellar, 9 cm, angry child, seat height: 10 cm,, 1 Kewpie, fix head, with to the side looking eyes, modelled clothes, jointed arms
Result: 120.00 EUR

No. 4288

Limit: 80 EUR


small all-bisque doll, socket head, 11 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, jointed arms and legs, mohair wig, old clothes, 1 girl, France, 12.5 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, standing  mass body, jointed arms and legs, old clothes
Result: 280.00 EUR

No. 4289

Limit: 160 EUR


3 pieces, biscuit porcelain boy, France, 15.5 cm, bisque socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper cogs, girl, 10 cm, bisque-socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper cogs, mohair wig, standing mass body, boy, 14 cm, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper cogs, standing mass body, modelled shoes and socks, old clothes
Result: 300.00 EUR

No. 4290

Limit: 40 EUR


mixed lot of doll jewellery, earring, chain, brooches
Result: 40.00 EUR

No. 4291

Limit: 120 EUR


biscuit porcelain character baby, 34 cm, the blue glass eyes were afterwards fix inset, opened mouth, upper teeth, toddler body, hands with color deviations, real hair wig, clothes partially old or sewed of old fabric

No. 4292

Limit: 80 EUR


small all-bisque doll, 19 cm, socket head, brown fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, mohair wig, loose rubbers
Result: 300.00 EUR

No. 4293

Limit: 650 EUR


doll with bisque head, France, Lady, 37 cm, bisque socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, leather body, old clothes (caused of old age partially worn), old underwear, old shoes, mohair wig
Result: 750.00 EUR

No. 4294

Limit: 60 EUR


colored native, papier mâché, nodder, 27 cm, clock mechanism is intact
Result: 60.00 EUR

No. 4295

Limit: 30 EUR


pull along skin dog, height: 20 cm
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 35.71 EUR

No. 4296

Limit: 160 EUR


all-bisque, girl, 22.5 cm, Ingodi head, with to the side looking painted eyes, modelled hair, with hairband and ribbons, modelled shoes and socks
Result: 450.00 EUR

No. 4297

Limit: 90 EUR


biscuit porcelain shoulder headed doll, 60 cm, brown with paper fixed glass eyes, the function of the  mechanism of the sleeping eyes wasn't checked, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, old real hair wig, leather body, nice old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, loft find
Result: 200.00 EUR

No. 4298

Limit: 20 EUR


2 pairs of children's shoes, suitable to a larger doll, 11.5 cm and 13 cm, around 1910
Result: 60.00 EUR

No. 4299

Limit: 160 EUR


biscuit porcelain shoulder headed doll, 42 cm, full head, fine modelled hair, blue fix inset Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, leather body, bisque forearms, old clothes
Result: 500.00 EUR

No. 4300

Limit: 120 EUR


doll with bisque head, boy, marked 154, crank-full head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, sitting baby body, with different postures of hands, slightly sticky-out toe, small firing crack at the crank, with doll's leather armchair, strongly worn
Result: 130.00 EUR

No. 4301

Limit: 160 EUR


1070, biscuit porcelain character doll, 54 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, toddler body, old thick mohair wig, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks
Result: 280.00 EUR

No. 4302

Limit: 120 EUR


small Parian doll, 32 cm, biscuit porcelain shoulder headed doll, very fine modelled hair, blue painted eyes, chip on the tip of the nose, fabric body, bisque arms and legs, old clothes and underwear, the chair is more recent
Result: 120.00 EUR

No. 4303

Limit: 80 EUR


201, small character boy, 20 cm, exceptional size, socket head, brown painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, sitting baby body, with different postures of hands
Result: 260.00 EUR

No. 4304

Limit: 70 EUR


sun, character boy, 20 cm, socket head, Intaglio eyes, opened/closed mouth, intimitated teeth, sitting baby body
Result: 90.00 EUR

No. 4305

Limit: 80 EUR


doll with bisque head, 38 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, jointed body, with spring drive, old mohair wig with slight hair loss, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks
Result: 160.00 EUR

No. 4306

Limit: 120 EUR


shoulder headed doll, China Head, enameled porcelain, 33 cm, painted hair, small chips at the hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, enameled porcelain forearms, old clothes
Result: 140.00 EUR

No. 4307

Limit: 90 EUR


Googly, marked 292, 13.5 cm, bisque-socket head, with to the side looking fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, small chips at the leg discs, old mohair wig
Result: 260.00 EUR

No. 4308

Limit: 80 EUR


1079, doll with bisque head, 34 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, jointed body, 1 finger is missing, old real hair wig, old clothes
Result: 100.00 EUR

No. 4309

Limit: 280 EUR


231 Funny D.R.M.T. 248, 34 cm, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, toddler body, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, old mohair wig, edge of head is dirty, crack on forehead
Result: 450.00 EUR

No. 4310

Limit: 850 EUR


117, biscuit porcelain character doll, 30 cm, old mohair wig, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, jointed body, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, 1 sole was supplemented
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 1011.84 EUR

No. 4311

Limit: 140 EUR


doll with bisque head, 70 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, jointed body, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, old real hair wig, 3 fingers are missing
Result: 180.00 EUR

No. 4312

Limit: 160 EUR


doll with bisque head, 54 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, pierced ears, dimple at chin, nice, old, thick mohair wig, jointed body, old clothes, underwear, shoes and boots, nice porcelain, nice expression, rubbers is caused of old age loose
Result: 650.00 EUR

No. 4313

Limit: 120 EUR


403, 45 cm, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, toddler body with pulled up knee joints and rubber hands, clothes and wig are more recent
Result: 120.00 EUR

No. 4314

Limit: 450 EUR


116, 50 cm, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, baby body with different postures of hands and slightly stick-out toe, wig is more recent, old clothes
Result: 450.00 EUR

No. 4315

Limit: 140 EUR


Ellar, 36 cm, Oriental, full head, brown sleepy eyes ( doll has a slight cast ) , please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, closed mouth, formed sitting baby body, feet are slightly knocked, loose rubbers
Result: 300.00 EUR

No. 4316

Limit: 120 EUR


98/13,5, biscuit porcelain character baby, 54 cm, exceptional size, socket head, mechanism of the sleeping eyes is jammed, pierced nostrils, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, sitting baby body, different postures of hands and sticky-out toe, old real hair wig, clothes old or sewed of old fabric
Post-Auction-Sale-Price: 142.85 EUR

No. 4317

Limit: 180 EUR


doll with bisque head, 56 cm, bisque shoulder headed, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, fabric body, bisque forearms, at edge of head a bit wig pull, old mohair wig, old clothes and boots
Result: 380.00 EUR

No. 4318

Limit: 120 EUR


257, 34 cm, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, toddler body, old real hair wig
Result: 220.00 EUR

No. 4319

Limit: 280 EUR


252, Gr.6, 38 cm, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, toddler body with slightly stick-out toe, old clothes, old shoes, old mohair wig

No. 4320

Limit: 140 EUR


doll with bisque head, 46 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, jointed body, real hair wig, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, 1 finger is missing
Result: 160.00 EUR

No. 4321

Limit: 180 EUR


35 cm, bisque socket head, inside pink colored throughout, typical for this doll, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, jointed body, old dress, old mohair wig
Result: 550.00 EUR

No. 4322

Limit: 240 EUR


590, biscuit porcelain character doll, 50 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, dimple at chin, jointed body, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, 1 sole is worn, old real hair wig
Result: 800.00 EUR

No. 4323

Limit: 120 EUR


biscuit porcelain character boy, 45 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, sitting baby body, different postures of hands, with slightly stick-out toe, old mohair wig, old clothes
Result: 140.00 EUR

No. 4324

Limit: 280 EUR


585 6, biscuit porcelain character doll, 36 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, intimitated teeth, toddler body, old clothes, the real hair wig  is more recent
Result: 280.00 EUR

No. 4325

Limit: 180 EUR


No. 8, 53 cm, doll with bisque head, France, socket head, fix inset blue Paperweight eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, French jointed body, real hair wig, dress sewed of old fabric, complex sewed, old underwear, old shoes and socks
Result: 700.00 EUR

No. 4326

Limit: 450 EUR


1248 9, doll with bisque head, 50 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, old real hair wig, stocky toddler body, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, old underwear, shoes and socks
Result: 1700.00 EUR

No. 4327

Limit: 130 EUR


Trousseau, doll with bisque porcelain head, AM, 19 cm, clothes and richly accessories
Result: 140.00 EUR

No. 4328

Limit: 150 EUR


8 pieces doll dresses, for 35 - 48 cm large dolls, among them 1 special red knitted dress for a French doll, 1 sailors dress with hat and shirt, for doll's 1890 - 1915
Result: 200.00 EUR

No. 4329

Limit: 140 EUR


running doll, marked S&H W.S.K.2/0, bisque porcelain socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, jointed arms, straight legs, with appropiated shoes and socks, clock mechanism drive is intact, old mohair wig, old clothes, 31 cm
Result: 220.00 EUR

No. 4330

Limit: 60 EUR


pelt cat, seat height: 23 cm, glass eyes, nice doll decoration, for a French Bébé, very good condition
Result: 130.00 EUR

No. 4331

Limit: 60 EUR


polar bear, skin animal (rabbit fur), 23 cm
Result: 60.00 EUR

No. 4332

Limit: 40 EUR


990, marked A13M, doll with bisque head, 60 cm, blue, the glass eyes were afterwards fix inset, wig losing, unhandsome glued on, doll couldn't be illuminated, scratch at back of the head, sitting baby body, head is below the top of head all around broken, unhandsome glued , clothes are more recent
Result: 40.00 EUR

No. 4333

Limit: 220 EUR


No. 8, doll with bisque head, France, 46 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, head is glued at the side , partially wig pull, real hair wif, French jointed body with fix wrists, dress is caused of old age in worn condition
Result: 1200.00 EUR

No. 4334

Limit: 160 EUR


82 2, biscuit porcelain character boy, full head, 28 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, toddler body, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism , rubbers are a little bit loose, nice size
Result: 550.00 EUR

No. 4335

Limit: 80 EUR


1295, biscuit porcelain - character boy, 26 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced nostrils, sitting baby body with different postures of hands and slightly stick-out toe, old pelt wig
Result: 80.00 EUR

No. 4336

Limit: 260 EUR


116A, biscuit porcelain character doll, 28 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, sitting baby body with different postures of hands and slightly stick-out toe, 1 toe worn, old mohair wig, rubbers at the arms are  loosely
Result: 260.00 EUR

No. 4337

Limit: 180 EUR


3 faces doll, doll with bisque socket head, 33 cm, sleeping, laughing, crying, body old but suitable to the doll?
Result: 380.00 EUR

No. 4338

Limit: 120 EUR


04, small biscuit porcelain character doll, 21 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, modelled teeth, sitting baby body, mohair wig with hair loss, old clothes
Result: 120.00 EUR

No. 4339

Limit: 180 EUR


247, 34 cm, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, stocky toddler body, old mohair wig
Result: 300.00 EUR

No. 4340

Limit: 120 EUR


"Jutta", 1914, small biscuit porcelain - character doll, 34 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, toddler body, old mohair wig, dress sewed of old fabric, old underwear, old shoes
Result: 200.00 EUR

No. 4341

Limit: 160 EUR


167-13, biscuit porcelain character doll, 60 cm, grand size, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, modelled  upper teeth, jointed tongue, toddler body, old clothes
Result: 360.00 EUR

No. 4342

Limit: 160 EUR


211, big 14, 44 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, sitting baby body with different postures of hands and slightly stick-out toe, real hair wig, old clothes
Result: 160.00 EUR

No. 4343

Limit: 120 EUR


170, biscuit porcelain character doll, 40 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, modelled upper teeth, jointed tongue, toddler body with fix wrists, 2 fingers are missing, old mohair wig
Result: 380.00 EUR

No. 4344

Limit: 120 EUR


109, doll with bisque head, 52 cm, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, 1 tooth is missing, pierced ears, jointed body, old clothes, shoes and socks, old, thick mohair wig, 2 fingers are missing
Result: 160.00 EUR

No. 4345

Limit: 60 EUR


cone man, 28 cm, bisque head, with appropiated moustache, modelled hair, painted eyes, neck at head with a  crack, if head and body are originally belonging together couldn't be confirmed, body is made of wood and fir cone
Result: 200.00 EUR

No. 4346

Limit: 140 EUR


papier mâché, shoulder headed doll, 60 cm, dark-brown, fix inset glass eyes, modelled hair, fabric body, leather hands, old clothes, underwear and shoes, head with formation of spider lines
Result: 140.00 EUR

No. 4347

Limit: 160 EUR


doll with bisque head, France, 63 cm, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, real hair wig, clothes were sewed of old fabric, old shoes and socks
Result: 220.00 EUR

No. 4348

Limit: 120 EUR


boy, glazed porcelain shoulder headed doll, 33 cm, modelled hair, blue painted eyes, fabric body, mass, forearms
Result: 180.00 EUR